House of Fun Slots

House of Fun Slots
House of Fun Slots, a 3D slot game with three bonus features, is one of the best paying slots online. Although I wouldn't categorize the "house" as fun, it is more macabre than anything else. From the creepy characters to the winged gargoyles that seem to stare down at you from the entrance, a House of Horror would be more descriptive. However, as a slot with lucrative payouts with every other spin and the minimum bet of two cents, you can certainly rack up the coins given that the third bonus round can provide a handsome payout. One of the questions one could ask is: Why would the boy and girl go into the house in the first place? But that's a question for another day. Once inside, however, they are eager to leave and have to choose from five doors. Each door is worth a prize, but what I discovered is that you can go through each of the five doors at least twice, thus accumulating even more prizes. So here's how I did it. I went through each door once to see what the prize amount is. Then I repeated the process by going through the highest paid door several times. Luckily, I was able to get 3300 in coins after choosing 10 doors. Now this doesn't always happen each time you win this bonus round. But why not give it a try and see if you can duplicate my moves. House of Fun Slots is a fun game, although I prefer other 3D slots to entertain me. But if you want to play a slot that has high payouts, I would definitely recommend this one not only for its value but for its splendid animations and sounds.